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Overview / København / København (Staden) / Methodist: Herrens Kirke - Golgatha / Churchbooks
Colour Scans in Methodist: Herrens Kirke - Golgatha
The colour images of church books in this collection are produced by Ancestry. Ancestry has donated the images to the Danish National Archives with permission for them to be used on Arkivalieronline. You can freely use the images on Archivalieronline. The links to the church books shown below goes directly to Arkivalieronline, and therefore these church books cannot be transcribed on Danish Family Search.

Downloading copies of one or more images for personal use is allowed for private or professional research. However, written permission from Ancestry is required if you want to download more than a few images. Contact the Danish National Archives at if you have questions about the use of this collection of colour images.
 NameTitleFrom YearTo Year
Enesteministerialbog (1879 - 1996)F; 1879 - F; 189818791898
Enesteministerialbog (1879 - 1996)K; 1879 - K; 190718791907
Enesteministerialbog (1879 - 1996)F; 1879 - F; 190818791908
Genealogy research in 'Methodist: Herrens Kirke - Golgatha, København (Staden), København'? This is your link to the past. Census data, Churchbooks, military levy rolls, search facilities, family lists and map of Methodist: Herrens Kirke - Golgatha, København (Staden), København - Eveything is here. danish parish, danish parish list, danish parish, danish genealogy search, parish genealogy research, danish genealogy, Methodist: Herrens Kirke - Golgatha, København (Staden), København, Methodist: Herrens Kirke - Golgatha genealogy, Methodist: Herrens Kirke - Golgatha search, Methodist: Herrens Kirke - Golgatha genealogy research, danish genealogy, family genealogy, family search, familysearch catalog, familysearch indexing, family search records