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Glover gang

Handskemagerbanden (Glover gang) did not get its name because they stole gloves but because the group's leader was trained glover. Hans Jacob Mortensen was born in Rudkobing 1802. He married Anne Katrine Jørgensdatter and settled on a farm in Tillitse parish.

But the Glover had other talents than making gloves, as he quickly gathered a gang of 43 persons whom from 1840 and up to 1851 unfolded throughout Lolland with various thefts and felonies.

On the night of 21 and 22 March 1851 the gang killed the farmer Jørgen Johansen and his wife, and their two maids, Ane Kirstine Madsdatter and Ane Margrethe Andersdatter. Subsequently, they set fire to the farm. Before these murders Karl at Waarskov near Bandholm been killed by Anders Vixnæs and Frederik Christian Mortensen. The Glover and 3 gang members were sentenced to death (Morten baad and brothers Mads and Anders Vixnæs)

After the murders the gang was interrogated, but the glover had instructed members to deny everything. After some time the authorities decides to exhume the 4 graves and confront the gang members with their misdeed. The bodies were placed in the church and Glover had to, with his hand on the corpse, declare his innocence to the priest Rudolf Berg. The priest knew that the Glover was guilty, so despite the fact that the Glover was more than willing to declare his innocence, the priest prevented him. Over time, the other gang members confessed and eventually also the Glover.

The Glover, Christian Mortensen, Mads Jensen Vixnæs and his brother Anders Jensen Vixnæs were all sentenced to death, partly for the 4 murders but also for the murder of Mathiesen, a groom on Vaarskovgaard. 17 members of the gang were sent to jail, 7 were sent to the penitentiary and 15 were on bread and water.

But before the judgment could be executed the Glover committed suicide, Morten baad died in jail and Christian Mortensen had his sentence overturned to life in prison under certain conditions. He had to attend the beheading of the other gang members followed by a public whipping. After his release in 1868 he went home to his wife Maren Kathrine Jensdatter Vixnæs (a sister of Anders and Mads Vixnæs). He died October 29, 1880 and is buried at Østofte Cemetery 5 November 1880.

Thus, only the brothers Mads and Anders Vixnæs who lost their heads February 24, 1853 on Sølvbjerghøj

Hans Jacob Mortensen
Hans Jacob Mortensen the Glover gang leader

Hermann Rothe
Assessor Hermann Rothe who lead the case against the Glover gang

