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Born 3 October 1829
FT 1834
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FT 1930
Event linked by Kate Stormly 1/3/2020
3 October
Vollerslev, Præstø
Maren Christiansen was born 3 Oct 1829
Event linked by the system 11/13/2020
1 February
15 år
Vollersløv Sogn, Vollerslev, Præstø
Maren Christiansen is in the census 1845 under Vollersløv parish

In the same household there are also Lever af sin jordlod Marie Elisabeth Jacobsdatter 47 years old, Hendes Child, bestyrer gaarden for moderen and Hendes barn, bestyrer gaarden for moderen Jacob Peder Christiansen 27 years old, Hendes Child Karen Lisbeth Christiansdatter 22 years old, Hendes Child Margrethe Christiansen 12 years old, Tjenestekarl Peder Nielsen 22 years old and Tjenestekarl Niels Bendtsen 19 years old
Event linked by the system 11/13/2020
1 February
20 år
Vollersløv, Vollerslev, Præstø
Maren Christiansen is in the census 1850 under Vollersløv

In the same household there are also Head of household and Sognepræst, Andreas Thaning 45 years old, Hans kone Henriette Vilhelmine Tønnesen 40 years old, Augusta Antoinette Johanne Thaning 15 years old, Hans Jørgen Lyngbye Thaning 8 years old, Maria Louise Elisabeth Thaning 6 years old, Nancy Charlotte Hidore Thaning 4 years old, Thyra Vilhelmine Christine Thaning 2 years old, Lærerinde Johanne Charlotte Aurelia Fleischer 20 years old, Huusjomfru Johanne Birgithe Gemynthe 24 years old, Tjenestekarl Christen Christensen 27 years old, Tjenestekarl Hans Larsen 27 years old, Tjenestekarl Jens Andersen 55 years old, Tjenestepige Marie Hansdatter 23 years old, Tjenestepige Kirsten Nielsdatter 26 years old and Tjenestepige Ellen Hansen 16 years old
This page shows Maren Christiansen, Born 3 October 1829 Danesbase, Danish Family Search, danish genealogy search, county genealogy research, danish genealogy, link lives