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Census Year
Carl August Nielsen
Gender Male
Age 45
County Copenhagen
Hundred Sokkelund
Parish Frederiksberg
Placename Vodrofsvej 53
Add to Family Database
Born date 9 Jun 1865
Born Place N. Lyndelse
House Role Husfader
Marital Status Married
Family No 2
Matr No 1Sal
Record No 1
Source reference 104
No of Marriages
When married
Living Children
Dead Children
No. of fam. in house
Business Kapelmester
Business place Det Kgl. Theater
Business area København
When moved to area 1809
Last place København
Temp place
State Tax
Area Tax
Comments g S
Dataentry Comments
 Rec. no.NameSexAgeBorn YearMarital StatusInformation (Danish)
1Carl August NielsenMale451865MarriedHusfader Kapelmester
2Irmelin Carl NielsenFemale191891SingleDatter
3Maren HansenFemale401870SingleTyende
Data entered at Danish Family Search on the 11 Jul 2017 by Bengt Bolinder
Event linked by Bengt Bolinder 5/17/2020
9 June
Sortelung, Nørre Lyndelse, Odense
Carl August Nielsen was born 9 Jun 1865 in Sortelung. The father was Maler Niels Jørgensen. The mother was Maren Kirstine Johansen.

Godparents were Inds. Hans Jensen, ?? Jensen, Huusmd. Christian Jensen, Væver Niels Rasmussen and Jensine Rasmussen
Event linked by the system 3/16/2020
1 February
4 år
Sortelung, Nørre Lyndelse, Odense
Carl August Nielsen is in the census 1870 under Nørre Lyndelse parish

In the same household there are also Head of household and musikus Niels Jørgensen 35 years old, Housemother Maren Kirstine Johansen 36 years old, Child Sofie Mathilde Nielsen 13 years old, Child Karen Marie Nielsen 12 years old, Child Jørgen Peter Nielsen 10 years old, Child Johan Sofie Nielsen 9 years old, Child Christian Alfred Nielsen 6 years old, Child Anders Jacob Nielsen 3 years old and Child Helene Christine Lovise Nielsen 0 years old
Event linked by Bengt Bolinder 5/17/2020
11 April
13 år
Kirken, Nørre Søby, Odense
Carl August Nielsen was confirmed 11 Apr 1879 in Kirken at the age of 13 years.
Event linked by the system 3/16/2020
1 February
14 år
Odense Kjøbstad, Odense Købstad, Odense
Carl August Nielsen is in the census 1880 under Odense Kjøbstad

In the same household there are also tjenestekarl, soldat 16 Batll. and tjenestekarl, soldat 16 Batll. Ole Hansen Friis 22 years old, tømmer, Head of household and tømmer Hans Larsen 36 years old, Hans kone Ane Petternille Larsen 37 years old and Deres Daughter Lavra Hansine Marie Larsen 4 years old
Event linked by the system 3/16/2020
9 December
26 år
Child born (Irmelin Johanne Carl Nielsen)
København, Hof Og Slot, Copenhagen
Event linked by the system 3/16/2020
4 March
27 år
Child born (Frederikke Anne Marie Carl-Nielsen)
Kjøbenhavn, Hof Og Slot, Copenhagen
Carl August Nielsen was the father to Frederikke Anne Marie Carl-Nielsen who was born 4 Mar 1893 in Kjøbenhavn. The mother was Hustru Anna Marie Nielsen born Brodersen.

Godparents were Anna Kjær, Ulla Kjær and Saaby
Event linked by the system 3/16/2020
5 September
30 år
Child born (Hans Børge Carl Nielsen)
Kjøbenhavn, Hof Og Slot, Copenhagen
Carl August Nielsen was the father to Hans Børge Carl Nielsen who was born 5 Sep 1895 in Kjøbenhavn. The mother was Hustru Anna Marie Nielsen born Brodersen, 31 years old.

Godparents were Agnes Lunn, Dagmar Olrik and Musikforlægger Vilhelm Hansen
Event linked by the system 3/16/2020
1 February
35 år
6, Sankt Annæ Øster Kvarter, Copenhagen
August Carl Nielsen is in the census 1901 under 6

In the same household there are also Housemother and Billedhugger Anne Marie Carl Nielsen 37 years old, Child Irmelin Johanne Carl-Nielsen 9 years old, Child Anne Marie Frederikke Carl-Nielsen 7 years old, Child Hans Børge Carl-Nielsen 5 years old, Head of household and Beslagsmed Mogens Christiansen 37 years old, Housemother Kirsten Christiansen 38 years old, Child Ida Christiansen 14 years old, Child Thora Christiansen 10 years old and Child Klara Christiansen 9 years old
Event linked by the system 3/16/2020
1 February
40 år
6, Sankt Annæ Øster Kvarter, Copenhagen
Carl August Nielsen is in the census 1906 under 6

In the same household there are also Housemother and Billedhuggerinde Ane Marie Nielsen 40 years old, Child Irmelin Johanne Nielsen 14 years old, Child Ane Marie Frederikke Nielsen 12 years old, Child Hans Børge Nielsen 9 years old and Tjenestetyende and Tjenestetyende Maren Hansen 39 years old
Event linked by the system 3/16/2020
1 February
45 år
Vodrofsvej 53, Frederiksberg, Copenhagen
Carl August Nielsen is in the census 1911 under Vodrofsvej 53

In the same household there are also Daughter Irmelin Carl Nielsen 19 years old and Tyende and Tyende Maren Hansen 40 years old
Event linked by the system 3/16/2020
1 February
50 år
28, Snarens Kvarter, Copenhagen
Carl August Nielsen is in the census 1916 under 28

In the same household there are also Housemother and Billedhugger Anne Marie Nielsen 52 years old, Child Irmelin Carl Nielsen 24 years old, Child Ane Marie Carl Nielsen 22 years old and Pige and Pige Maren Hansen 49 years old
Event linked by the system 3/16/2020
1 February
55 år
20, Udenbys Klædebo Kvarter, Copenhagen
Nielsen, Carl August is in the census 1921 under 20
Event linked by the system 3/16/2020
5 November
60 år
28 St, Snarens Kvarter, Copenhagen
Nielsen, Carl August is in the census 1925 under 28 St

In the same household there are also Housemother and Musiker Nielsen, Anne Marie født Brodersen 61 years old and Husbestyrerinde and Husbestyrerinde Hansen, Maren 59 years old
Event linked by the system 3/16/2020
5 November
65 år
28 A, Snarens Kvarter, Copenhagen
Carl August Nielsen is in the census 1930 under 28 A

In the same household there are also Hustru and Billedhuggerinde Anne Marie Carl Nielsen 65 years old and Husassistent and Husassistent Karen Hansen 63 years old
Event linked by the system 3/16/2020
5 November
65 år
Nørre Kvarter, Copenhagen
Nielsen, Carl August is in the census 1930 under Nørre Kvarter
Event linked by Bengt Bolinder 5/17/2020
3 October
66 år
København Rigshospitalet, Christiansborg Slots, Copenhagen
Carl August Nielsen died 3 Oct 1931 in København Rigshospitalet at the age of 66 years. Spouse was Anne Marie Carl-Nielsen born Brodersen.
Event linked by the system 3/16/2020
21 February
79 år
Partner/Spouse dead (Ane Marie Brodersen)
Frk. Kanal 28 A, Slotssognet, Christiansborg Slots, Copenhagen
Carl August Nielsen's former spouse, Anne Marie Carl-Nielsen born Brodersen, dies 21 Feb 1945 in Frk. Kanal 28 A, Slotssognet at the age of 81 years.
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This page shows Carl August Nielsen and all other people in the same house as written in the census 1911 for Copenhagen, Sokkelund, Frederiksberg census, census 1911, danish census, census denmark, census Copenhagen, census Sokkelund, census Frederiksberg, Carl August Nielsen, Kapelmester, 9 Jun 1865, danish genealogy search, county genealogy research, danish genealogy