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Census Year
Trein Smith
Gender Female
Age 49
County Frederiksborg
Hundred Lynge-Kronborg
Parish Tikøb
Placename Snekkersten By
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Born date 1841
Born Place Dragør
House Role Husmoder
Marital Status Married
Family No 5 F. 1
Matr No Et Hus en Kro
Record No 3740
Source reference 162
No of Marriages
When married
Living Children
Dead Children
No. of fam. in house
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Dataentry Comments
 Rec. no.NameSexAgeBorn YearMarital StatusInformation
3739Jan Jakob SmithMale551835MarriedHusfader Gæstgiver
3740Trein SmithFemale491841MarriedHusmoder
3741Jens Jakob SmithMale251865SingleBarn Landmand
3742Anna SmithFemale221868SingleBarn
3743Aght SmithFemale191871SingleBarn
3744Gert Jakob SmithMale121878SinglePlejebarn
3745Signe LarsenFemale181872SingleTyende
3746Jakob Johan Marius NilsenMale181872SingleTyende
Data obtained from Danish Demographic Database Ref. DDA-14443, Kipno. C5951. Parish: Tikøb. Hundred: Lynge-Kronborg. County: Frederiksborg. Record no. 3740 of 3764. Elin Køhl Larsen. View documentation of the data entry. View the original dataentry record at Danish Demographic Database on
Event linked by Kate Stormly 1/2/2022
30 March
Store Magleby, Copenhagen
Trein Jens Svanes was born 30 Mar 1840
Event linked by the system 8/14/2022
1 February
9 år
Dragør Søndre Skoledistrikt, Store Magleby, Copenhagen
Trein Jens Svanes is in the census 1850 under Dragør Søndre Skoledistrikt

In the same household there are also Agth Ole Wass 45 years old and Ole Jensen Svane 18 years old
Event linked by the system 8/14/2022
1 February
14 år
Dragør søndre Skoledistrikt, Store Magleby, Copenhagen
Trein Jens Svanes is in the census 1855 under Dragør søndre Skoledistrikt

In the same household there are also Lodsenke Agth Ole Wasss 49 years old and Enkens Børn Lods and Enkens Børn Lods Ole Jensen Svane 23 years old
Event linked by the system 8/14/2022
1 February
19 år
Dragør søndre Skoledistrikt, Store Magleby, Copenhagen
Trein Jens Svanes is in the census 1860 under Dragør søndre Skoledistrikt

In the same household there are also Lodsenke Agth Ole[ Hansen] Wass 55 years old and Styrmand and Styrmand Jan Jacob Schmidt 26 years old
Event linked by Håkan Svensson 10/19/2023
1 February
29 år
Dragør, Store Magleby, Copenhagen
Trein Jens Svanes is in the census 1870 under Dragør

In the same household there are also Housemother Agt Ole Wasses 64 years old, Head of household and Skibsfører Jan Jacobsen Schmidt 35 years old, Child Jens Jacob Schmidt 5 years old and Child Ane Jan Schmidt 2 years old
Event linked by Håkan Svensson 8/4/2023
1 February
39 år
Dragør, Store Magleby, Copenhagen
Trein Schmidt født Svane is in the census 1880 under Dragør

In the same household there are also Head of household and Lods Ole Jensen Svane 47 years old, Hans kone Johanne Svane født Schmid 48 years old, Son af Lods Ole Svane Navigatjons Elev and Søn af Lods Ole Svane Navigatjons Elev Jens Svane 21 years old, Deres Child Klara Amalie Svane 19 years old, Deres Child Jon Oluf Svane 16 years old, Deres Child Alfred Petter Svane 11 years old, Deres Child Agnes Wilhelmine Svane 7 years old and Head of household, Gjestgiver. Midlertidigt Ophold and Gjestgiver. Midlertidigt Ophold Jan Jacobsen Schmidt 44 years old
Event linked by Håkan Svensson 11/25/2023
1 February
49 år
Snekkersten By, Tikøb, Frederiksborg
Trein Smith is in the census 1890 under Snekkersten By

In the same household there are also Head of household and Gæstgiver Jan Jakob Smith 55 years old, Child and Landmand Jens Jakob Smith 25 years old, Child Anna Smith 22 years old, Child Aght Smith 19 years old, PlejeChild Gert Jakob Smith 12 years old, Tyende and Tyende Signe Larsen 18 years old and Tyende and Tyende Jakob Johan Marius Nilsen 18 years old
Event linked by Håkan Svensson 10/19/2023
1 February
60 år
Dragør, Dragør, Copenhagen
Trein Schmidt is in the census 1901 under Dragør

In the same household there are also Head of household and Partikulier Lars Schmidt 66 years old
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This page shows Trein Smith and all other people in the same house as written in the census 1890 for Frederiksborg, Lynge-Kronborg, Tikøb census, census 1890, danish census, census denmark, census Frederiksborg, census Lynge-Kronborg, census Tikøb, Trein Smith, , 1841, danish genealogy search, county genealogy research, danish genealogy