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Overview / Hjørring / Dronninglund / Hallund parish / Churchbooks / Churchbook 1892 - 1904 Hallund
Identified pages: 100.00%
Born Men
Born Women
Confirmed Boys
Confirmed Girls
Married / betrothed
Dead Men
Dead Women
Special notes
Blank Page
Front Page
Genealogy research in 'Hallund parish, Dronninglund, Hjørring'? This is your link to the past. Census data, Churchbooks, military levy rolls, search facilities, family lists and map of Hallund parish, Dronninglund, Hjørring - Eveything is here. danish parish, danish parish list, danish parish, danish genealogy search, parish genealogy research, danish genealogy, Hallund parish, Dronninglund, Hjørring, Hallund parish genealogy, Hallund parish search, Hallund parish genealogy research, danish genealogy, family genealogy, family search, familysearch catalog, familysearch indexing, family search records